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Endurvinnslan hf. was founded in 1989 by law nr. 52/1989 and is operated according to regulation nr. 368/2000. Endurvinnslan is the only company in Iceland that pays deposit for bottles and cans.

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Iceland was the first country in the world to set up a deposit system on a national scale for a wide range of containers. Endurvinnslan has 60 return facilities all over Iceland where people can get their deposit paid back. In our return facilities in Knarravogur, Ananaust, Breidhella, Dalvegur, Jafnasel, Hraunbær, Skútahraun, Selfoss, Reykjanes and Akureyri it´s not necessary to sort or count bottles and cans as long as they are intact. In other return facilities you have to sort and count bottles and cans to get the deposit fee.
Our main facility in Knarrarvogur is open Monday – Friday 9:30am – 6:00pm(18:00) and Saturdays from 12:00 – 4:30pm(16:30). Other facilities have various opening hours. They are showed in the link “Móttökustöðvar” located in our front page.
The deposit is now the same for all bottles and cans and the reimbursment value can be seen at the top banner on
Beverages in the deposit system
All ready-to-drink beverages, wine and liquor excluding fresh milk, fresh milk products and juice extract. (Milk powder is in the deposit system)



The recycling rate for drink containers in Iceland has historically been approximately 85%. The recycling rate for 2021 per product is, for aluminium appr. 91%, 90% in PET and 82% in glass.
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